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FInelyFiT “ The Full FITNESS Solution"


Interested in this please contact us by clicking here.

- Activity tracker

- Link to import Fitbit, Nokia Health Mate, Apple Health and Qardio information

- Food dairy plus connection my fitness pal (with Health Mate)

- See your Personalized, Accurate Avatar (based on the scan with TC2 body scanner)

- See your progress in 3D , plus the result of body measurements in Graphics

- Health Report (BMI follow-up, body fat, waist to height ratio )

- Body volume

- Blood pressure, Heart Rate, 

- App works for iPhone, Android and though the internet

- Health report


Benefits for Users:

  • A quick scan with our body scanner
  • Your personal trainer at your fingertips
  • Great exercises
  • Work plan
  • Clear follow up on your goals
  • See in 3D the progress of your body change
  • Strength, Stretching, Cardio, 
  • See progress in graphics and 3D
  • See improvement in your health report
  • Video demonstrations by real personal trainers


tc2 logo

Your personal trainer at your finger tips.

See the real progress by using your 3D scan AND EXTRACTED BODY measurements!

New Era of FITNESS is Here

Thanks to our innovative fitness app FinelyFit, the new Era of Fitness is here. TC2 Labs created FinelyFit on top of the TC2 3D body Scanners as a way to provide people with a quick, easy and customized workout tool for them to exercise ANYWHERE (it is like having personal trainer at your fingertips) and is perfect for working off those extra weight.
FinelyFit website is FREE to use and is available for download on iOS and Android.
Here are a few quick facts that might help:
1. FinelyFit is like having a personal trainer at your fingertips.

2. Food dairy

3. Activity tracker 
4. You can customize the workouts as you go along based on what YOU like to do.

5. Build in health report
6. The follow-up of the result is amazing.
    Based on 3D body scans you see your progress is body volume, BMI and lot of
    body measurements.
7. You will simply LOVE this and its FREE 
8. Perfect to have to work off those added Calories! 

State of the art features